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The Online Learning Podcast

Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast!

This Podcast is for you - The Online Course Entrepreneur!

Everyweek I aim to bring you amazing interviews with fellow entrepreneurs sharing their stories and secrets to help you become even more successful!

You are NOT alone - Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast

We hope you enjoy the Show!

PS If you do enjoy the show, please consider leaving a rating and a review where ever you are listening!

Best regards


John Colley

Apr 23, 2014


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Jordan Mercedes, Creator and Author of the RePurpose Work Book and Online Course, talks about her inspiration to help people learn how to re-purpose their work and her experience in making the course.


You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the player at the top of this post.

In this Week's Episode:

Interview: Jordan Mercedes

JM Jordan Mercedes 





Spotlight Course: Repurpose Work: How to Use Old Skills to Create New Work; - normally $125 but you can buy this course with 50% off by following this link.  Alternatively go direct to and use Coupon Code "OLP50" to get the same price without going through the Affiliate Programme.

JM Repurpose Work






Discount Code: OLP50

Category: Business

Udemy Course Link

Other Udemy Courses: n/a

Other Links:  Jordan recommends "The Lean Canvass" by Ash Maurya which you can find here.  This Course is Free!

You can purchase Jordan's Book, RePurpose Work from Amazon and links to the US and UK sites are below.


Contact Details:  You can find out more about Jordan by visiting her website at

Marketing Tip of the Week: In this weeks Marketing Tip I explain the benefits of cross promoting a new course to some of your existing students who are already taking a related course created by you.

Free Course of the Week:  This week's Free Course Recommendation is "About Life Coaching & Life Coach Training" by Maia Berens which you can find here.

Check Out My Courses by Clicking on the Links Below


[symple_pricing size="one-third" plan="Udemy: Understanding Strategic Course Design" cost="$197 - $49 with Coupon Code DESIGN49" per="" button_url="" button_text="Subscribe Here" button_color="red" button_border_radius="" button_target="" button_rel="nofollow" position="first"]

Course Thumbnails Fedora 2 14 Apr 2014.002


[symple_pricing size="one-third" plan=" The Enterpreneurs' Guide: Introduction to Startups" cost=" $49 - $19 with Coupon Code INTRO19" per="" button_url="" button_text="Subscribe Here" button_color="red" button_border_radius="" button_target="" button_rel="nofollow" position="last"]

Course Thumbnails Fedora 2 14 Apr 2014.003


[symple_pricing size="one-third" plan="Entrepreneurs Guide to Startup Funding" cost="$197 - $49 with Coupon Code FUNDING39" per="" button_url="" button_text="Subscribe Here" button_color="red" button_border_radius="" button_target="" button_rel="nofollow" position="first"]

Course Thumbnails Fedora 2 14 Apr 2014.001


[symple_pricing size="one-third" plan="Entrepreneurs Guide: Social Media Strategy for Beginners" cost="FREE Click below to Subscribe" per="" button_url="" button_text="Subscribe Here" button_color="red" button_border_radius="" button_target="" button_rel="nofollow" position=="last"]

Course Thumbnails Fedora 2 14 Apr 2014.004


[symple_pricing size="one-third" plan="Entrepreneurs Guide: An Introduction The M&A Game" cost="FREE Click below to Subscribe" per="" button_url="" button_text="Subscribe Here" button_color="red" button_border_radius="" button_target="" button_rel="nofollow" position="last"]

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*** Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links.  If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission.  If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it.  I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way.  If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you :)

You can find out more about Online Courses at

iTunes Rating and Review

If you like this Podcast, please consider going to iTunes and leaving us a rating (5 Star if you think we are worth it) and a comment as this makes a HUGE difference  to us on iTunes.  If you do leave me a 5 Star Rating, email me john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and I will send you a free coupon for my Udemy Course, Entrepreneurs Guide: An Introduction to Startups!