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The Online Learning Podcast

Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast!

This Podcast is for you - The Online Course Entrepreneur!

Everyweek I aim to bring you amazing interviews with fellow entrepreneurs sharing their stories and secrets to help you become even more successful!

You are NOT alone - Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast

We hope you enjoy the Show!

PS If you do enjoy the show, please consider leaving a rating and a review where ever you are listening!

Best regards


John Colley

Jun 26, 2017

Welcome to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast!

Optimistic Entrepreneur! This Podcast is focused on you the Optimistic Entrepreneur

This short introduction explains how my podcasts have evolved and why I have now launched my third Podcast, the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast!

I started out with "A Conversation with the Six Minute Strategist" which was a great excuse to speak to lots of interesting people that I knew and to get them to share great information.  I really enjoyed it but there were two problems.  It did not really have any focus and secondly it did not tell you who it was for - it sounded like it was all about me.

Then my Online Learning Podcast, almost went the other way.  Too focused.  Again great fun and amazing guests but very Udemy centric which meant that I was spending my time promoting some one else's brand.  Duh!

Optimistic Entrepreneur

So now, my new brand is the Optimistic Entrepreneur - and that is you!  I want to find people who will provide great ideas, tactics, tips and stories to make you even more successful!

In my first few episodes, you are going to hear quite a lot about equity crowdfunding as I am in the middle of a campaign and it seems to be a great idea to give you a view from the trenches, so to speak.

Watch out for some great Episodes coming very soon with some great interviews with Entrepreneurs, just like you!

Engage with Me!

I would love to hear from you!

What topics would you like me to cover? Perhaps you know someone who would be a great guest on the show?  Maybe that is you?  Reach out and let me know: john[at]

I like to try to record interviews in video as well as in audio so that the interview can reach a wider audience but this does not have to be the case for every episode.

So if you have something to say, let me know!