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The Online Learning Podcast

Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast!

This Podcast is for you - The Online Course Entrepreneur!

Everyweek I aim to bring you amazing interviews with fellow entrepreneurs sharing their stories and secrets to help you become even more successful!

You are NOT alone - Welcome to the Online Learning Podcast

We hope you enjoy the Show!

PS If you do enjoy the show, please consider leaving a rating and a review where ever you are listening!

Best regards


John Colley

Nov 29, 2013

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Dr Richard Stibbard discusses his Programming Course and why he gives more than half of it away for Free!

You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the player at the top of this post.

In this Week's Episode:

Interview: Dr...

Nov 28, 2013

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Pablo Farias Navarro, Chilean Web Developer and Entrepreneur talks about how he came to create his Programming Courses and particularly his new Programming Course for Children

You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the...

Nov 27, 2013

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Steve Alcorn, Theme Park Designer, Author, Online Instructor and Mentor, talks about the creative process involved in Novel writing


You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the player at the top of this post.

In this...

Nov 26, 2013

Aneri Shah, Community Manager at Skillfeed, talks about this interesting new platform and its interesting financial model for both students and teachers. You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the player at the top of this post....

Nov 25, 2013


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Photography Special Edition - I select 12 of the best Photography Courses for you, six free, six paid.

You can find all the Podcast Episodes in iTunes by following this link: or listen to this episode in the player at the top of this post.

In this Week's Episode: 12 of the Best...