Jun 20, 2016
Today its my great pleasure to welcome Rachel Martin and Dan Morris to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rachel and Dan are the founders of BC Stack, a project where they bundle an amazing array of courses and products into a digital “Stack” and then market this stack globally to a wide audience. I was very honnoured to be invited to participate and had to get them on to the show to share it with you.
If you are a Digital Entrepreneur, is this something you can do?
This Week’s Guests: Rachel Martin and Dan Morris
In this Episode you will discover:
Link to BC Stack
BC Stack runs from 27th June to 1st July 2016
You Can Find BC Stack here: http://bcstack.com
Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link and if you click on it and purchase the stack you will not pay any more but I will benefit – thank you for keeping Henry, my Border Collie, in dog biscuits
You can find out more about Rachel and Dan:
Blogging Concentrated.com - http://bloggingconcentrated.com
Finding Joy.net - http://findingjoy.net